
How to use Freelancers to Grow Your Brand
May 21, 2024

This blog post has been researched, edited, and approved by expert Hannah Peake. Join our newsletter below to get our free marketing guides.

4 simple tips when using freelancers:

  1. Start with a VA: Dive into freelancing by hiring a virtual assistant. They can handle your emails and keep your social media buzzing without breaking the bank.
  2. Check Those Reviews: When picking freelancers, don't just skim—really dig into their ratings and reviews. You want someone who's not only skilled but also reliable.
  3. Keep It Real: When you message potential freelancers, throw in a few questions to see how they vibe with you. It’s about finding someone who gets what your brand is all about.
  4. Grow as You Go: Start small with one or two freelancers and see how it goes. As your business grows, your freelance team can expand too. It’s all about scaling smart!

Table of contents

  1. Introduction: How Freelancers Can Help Grow Your Brand
  2. Identifying Tasks to Outsource to Freelancers
  3. How I Use Fiverr to Find the Right Freelancers
  4. Evaluating Costs and Communicating with Freelancers
  5. Reflecting on Your Brand and Identifying Needs
  6. Starting Simple: The Value of a Virtual Assistant
  7. Wrapping Up: Why Freelancers Are Your Secret Weapon

How Freelancers Can Help Grow Your Brand

Hey there! I'm Brad Smith, the owner of AutomationLinks. Over the last eight years, I've really leaned on freelancers to help expand my business. Trust me, it's hard to handle everything on your own, and you probably aren't an expert in every area either.

In this blog, I’m excited to share with you my top 20 freelancers that you can start working with to grow your brand. From specialists in logo design to website creation, and even virtual assistants who can help manage your tasks—freelancers can be a huge help. And yes, I even have someone who might whip up a thumbnail for this post!

AutomationLinks Wilmington NC

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Identifying Tasks to Outsource to Freelancers

Identifying Tasks to Outsource to Freelancers

Alright, let's get into the nuts and bolts of using freelancers effectively. Take a moment to think about where most of your time goes. What are you always working on but perhaps aren't the best at? Or maybe there's a task you keep on your plate that could be done just as well (or even better!) by someone else for a surprisingly low cost. Recognizing these tasks is your first step towards smarter work—not harder.

Fortunately, there's no shortage of platforms packed with trusted freelancers who are ready to take some weight off your shoulders. When choosing a freelancer, it's crucial to dive into their profiles. Check their reviews, see what they specialize in, and find the exact service that fits your needs. Pay attention to details like their star ratings and the number of projects they've completed. Take a good look at their past work to see if it aligns with what you're envisioning for your project. Then, reach out and ask them a few questions. How they respond can give you great insights into whether they are the right fit for you.

Tips for Choosing the Right Freelancer:

  • Review Their Ratings and Feedback: Past reviews and ratings can give you a good idea of a freelancer’s reliability and quality of work.
  • Examine Their Specialties: Ensure their skills match the specific tasks or projects you need help with.
  • Look at Portfolio Samples: Checking out their previous work can help you gauge if their style and quality meet your expectations.
  • Communication is Key: Reach out with a few questions to see how responsive and communicative they are.

How I Use Fiverr to Find the Right Freelancers

I rely on Fiverr a lot when it comes to finding freelancers, and it’s been a fantastic tool for sorting through the sea of talent out there. Fiverr simplifies the search by letting you specify exactly what you need. For instance, when I needed a video editor, I could quickly search and find thousands of them.

The platform also provides powerful filtering options. You can sort your search by the type of service, the delivery time frame, your budget, and the freelancer’s level. This helps in narrowing down to the most suitable candidates who can deliver what you need, when you need it. I usually start by looking at their reviews; a rating around 4.9 or 5 is usually a good sign of quality and reliability. However, if someone has only one or two reviews, they might be pretty new. In that case, I tend to look for someone with around 1,000 reviews, a five-star rating, and a top-rated status, ensuring they are highly experienced and proven in their field.

Tips for Filtering Freelancers on Platforms Like Fiverr:

  • Specify What You Need: Start with a clear search term to find specialists in the exact service you require.
  • Use Advanced Filters: Narrow your search based on delivery time, budget, and service level to fit your needs.
  • Assess the Reviews: Look for freelancers with high ratings and a substantial number of reviews to ensure quality and experience.
  • Consider Top-Rated Sellers: Those labeled as top-rated usually have a proven track record of delivering excellent service on numerous projects.

Evaluating Costs and Communicating with Freelancers

Evaluating Costs and Communicating with Freelancers

When you're sifting through your shortlist of potential freelancers, it's crucial to start looking at how much their services will cost. Finding that sweet spot between affordability and quality is key. After you've got a handle on the budget side, don't hesitate to shoot them a message. This step is more than just formalities; it's your chance to see if their personality clicks with what you're looking for in a collaborator.

A quick conversation can reveal a lot about a freelancer. How they respond to your queries can give you insights into their reliability, eagerness, and fit for your project. Once you feel good about their vibe and their professional approach, you're pretty much set to bring them on board. With platforms like Fiverr, you've got an added layer of security—there's a safety net in place. If things don't pan out as expected, you can usually get your money back. This means you can hire with confidence, knowing that your login details are secure, your project timelines are respected, and your job will get done.

Tips for Handling Costs and Communication:

Tip Description
1. Affordability vs. Quality Ensure the freelancer's rates are within your budget but still reflect the quality you expect.
2. Initiate a Dialogue Reach out with specific questions to test their communication skills and professionalism.
3. Check for Platform Guarantees Utilize platforms that provide financial security and project satisfaction guarantees to protect your investment.

Reflecting on Your Brand and Identifying Needs

Alright, let's take a moment to think about where your brand currently stands. How's your business doing? Are you at a point where you could use an extra pair of hands? If you're starting to pull in a few thousand dollars a month, it's a good indicator that it might be time to start integrating freelancers into your workflow. Bringing on strategic help can really boost your operations without overwhelming you with extra tasks.

As a business owner, you're likely wearing multiple hats. You're deep into serving your clients and pushing hard to grow your business. But ask yourself, what are those repetitive tasks that are dragging you away from what you truly excel at? This reflection is crucial because it highlights where you need support the most. Finding a freelancer who specializes in these specific areas can free up your time, allowing you to focus on your core competencies and grow your business more efficiently.

Tips for Integrating Freelancers into Your Business:

  • Evaluate Your Business Stage: Consider how much you're earning and whether it justifies and supports hiring freelancers.
  • Identify Time-Consuming Tasks: Pinpoint the tasks that are necessary but not a good use of your time as the business owner.
  • Hire Specialist Freelancers: Look for freelancers who are experts in areas you're less proficient in to maximize efficiency and output.

Starting Simple: The Value of a Virtual Assistant

When you're just beginning to explore the world of freelancing support, I always suggest starting with a virtual assistant (VA). This is someone who can take over managing your emails and keeping your social media on track. Think of a VA as your right hand, someone who handles those day-to-day tasks that, while important, don't necessarily require your direct input all the time. This frees you up to focus on bigger things and can be a very cost-effective solution.

Freelancers can be incredibly versatile. In our experience, we've not only hired people to manage routine tasks but also to undertake significant projects like building websites or developing software and apps. One of the most crucial roles has been having someone dedicated to managing our social media—ensuring that posts go live on schedule and that the content is engaging. The flexibility and breadth of tasks that freelancers can handle make them an invaluable asset for saving both time and money.

Tips for Hiring Your First Freelancer:

  • Start with a Virtual Assistant: Begin by delegating routine tasks like email and social media management to a VA.
  • Expand Gradually: As you become comfortable, consider freelancers for larger projects like website development or software creation.
  • Focus on Core Needs: Choose freelancers who can take significant time-consuming tasks off your plate, allowing you to focus on growth and core business activities.

Wrapping It Up: Leveraging Freelancers for Business Growth

Wrapping It Up: Leveraging Freelancers for Business Growth

Alright, that’s pretty much the rundown on getting freelancers on board. It’s all about making your life easier and letting you focus on the big picture stuff. Whether it's kicking off with a virtual assistant to sort out your daily tasks or eventually bringing on specialists for bigger projects, freelancers can really lighten your load. The idea is simple: don’t spread yourself too thin when there are skilled folks out there ready to help you push forward.

AutomationLinks Wilmington NC


AutomationLinks is a digital marketing agency located in Wilmington North Carolina. We have worked with over 6,000 businesses and nonprofits over the last 10 years. We believe in a relationship marketing approach to help you turn visitors into customers using automation.

Frequently Asked questions

  • Do I really need a virtual assistant?

    Absolutely! If you're drowning in emails and social media updates, a virtual assistant can be a lifesaver. They take care of the routine stuff so you can focus on the bigger picture. It's like having an extra pair of hands without the full-time commitment.

  • How do I know if a freelancer is right for my project?

    Great question! Start by checking out their reviews and portfolio. If they've got a track record of good ratings and their past work vibes with your style, shoot them a message. How they respond to your questions can really show if they’re a good match for your needs.

  • What if I hire a freelancer and it doesn't work out?

    No sweat! If you’re using a platform like Fiverr, there are usually safety nets in place. Most of these platforms offer some form of money-back guarantee if things don't pan out as expected. So, you can hire with peace of mind knowing you’re covered.

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