
Rethink Your Marketing: Why Traditional Agencies Might Not Be The Answer
Brad Smith • Sep 22, 2023

This blog post has been researched, edited, and approved by expert Hannah Peake. Join our newsletter below to get our free marketing guides.

Here Are Four Simple Tips To Help you learn about Whether You Should Hire A Marketing Agency:

  1. One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Traditional marketing agencies often adopt a generalized approach. This might not cater to the unique requirements and nuances of every business, leading to ineffective strategies.
  2. Cost Implications: Engaging a full-service marketing agency can be an expensive affair. Before diving in, weigh the costs against the benefits and consider if there are more economical alternatives like virtual assistants.
  3. Communication & Understanding: There's a potential disconnect when working with an agency. They aren't in the day-to-day operations of your business, which might result in miscommunication or misunderstandings about your brand and goals.
  4. Reliability & Trust: While agencies bring expertise, there might be instances where they aren't fully aligned with your branding or you might feel like they aren't prioritizing your needs. Assess the level of trust and reliability before hiring.

In addition, here are four more general tips to consider:

  1. Scalability: Consider the scalability of your marketing needs. While an agency might cater to large campaigns, virtual assistants can be more flexible, allowing you to scale up or down as necessary.
  2. Skillset: Gauge the specific skillsets you need. An agency might offer a wide range of services, but if you only need specific tasks done, hiring specialized freelancers or VAs might be more beneficial.
  3. Feedback & Revisions: Agencies often have structured processes and might charge additional fees for revisions or changes. On the other hand, working directly with freelancers or VAs can provide more flexibility in iterating based on feedback.
  4. Long-Term Relationship: Building a lasting relationship with a marketing partner is crucial. Whether you choose an agency, freelancer, or VA, ensure that there's mutual understanding, respect, and a shared vision for the future.

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Rethink Your Marketing: Why Traditional Agencies Might Not Be The Answer 

Before you jump into hiring a marketing agency, there's something you need to know. And, quite ironically, I say this as someone who owns a marketing agency!

Hi, I'm Brad Smith, and my primary mission is to ensure you experience genuine growth online, without falling prey to common pitfalls.

The Challenge with Marketing Agencies

Over the last eight years, I've run a marketing agency assisting numerous businesses. It wasn't until recently that I had an epiphany. See, a marketing agency is external to your business; it isn't an integral part of your day-to-day operations.

While we boast dedicated teams and specialized employees working round the clock to help businesses, there's often something amiss. Perhaps the businesses lean too heavily on us, or maybe they harbor trust issues. On some occasions, we've even struggled to nail the brand essence in time.

The Power of Freelancers and Virtual Assistants

The Power of Freelancers and Virtual Assistants

So, what's the solution? The answer lies in virtual assistants and strategic freelancers. Over the years, I've collaborated with businesses on their websites, SEO, email marketing, and advertising. While my team excels in these domains, it's clear there's an inherent disconnect when external agencies get involved.

We're not embedded in your culture; we don't share your nuances. This year, I unlocked the immense potential of assembling and training a team tailored for individual businesses. This team works as part of your organization, ensuring smoother communication and alignment with your goals.

Why Building Your Team is the Future

Shelling out thousands monthly for an external agency when there's a lack of alignment seems counterproductive. The real magic happens when you establish your own squad of virtual assistants and freelancers.

They not only understand your language and culture but also save you significant time and money. The future of online marketing isn't just in agencies but in building a team that resonates with your business's core values.

If you're ready to dive into this new era of marketing and wish to gather insights on establishing this setup, avoid the usual agency route and save a ton, then stay tuned. Let's embark on this enlightening journey together!

Why Marketing Agencies Might Not Be The Best Fit For Everyone

1. The One-Size-Fits-All Fallacy of Marketing Agencies

Marketing agencies undeniably possess expertise. They have seasoned teams, proficient in what they do. However, there's a glaring pitfall in their approach – it's rarely bespoke.

Every business, non-profit, and organization has unique traits, a distinct ethos. When you're investing significant amounts in an agency, there's an implicit expectation: they should be privy to your business's internals.

But the truth is, they're engrossed in their universe, obsessed with producing results and executing proven tactics. This often culminates in a range of issues: discrepancies in branding, unsatisfactory post frequencies, potential misalignment in copywriting, and sometimes, even a perceptible lack of results.

2. The Rise of Strategic Freelancers – A Tailored Approach

Here's where the paradigm shift happened for me: instead of relying on an agency, I curated a team. Comprising four strategic freelancers, each masterful in their domain, this team has become the cornerstone of my online business.

Their role is two-pronged: while I delve into content creation and client coaching, they manage the nitty-gritty of the business. What sets them apart? They're attuned to my needs and preferences. They're more than freelancers; they've morphed into integral members of my team.

The result? An unprecedented alignment in operations. The icing on the cake? The financial respite. Instead of burning a hole in my pocket with hefty agency fees, these partners get everything done at a fraction of the cost.

3. The Clarity Proposition

The lesson here is evident: it's about finding the right fit. While agencies have their place, there's undeniable value in forging personal, tailored relationships with freelancers who become extensions of your vision.

If you're on the crossroads, contemplating the direction to take, this might be your clarion call. A world where quality doesn't necessitate exorbitant fees awaits you. Let's explore this together and bring some clarity to your journey.

The Playbook Approach: From Professional Sports to Marketing

The Playbook Approach: From Professional Sports to Marketing

1. The Athlete’s Support System

As a former professional hockey player, I've lived in the realm of sports, health, and fitness. It's here that I realized a significant analogy that's pertinent to the world of business and marketing.

If you've ever been an athlete or even if you haven't, picture this: You're a tennis player, honing your skills with rigorous training. Behind you is an ensemble - a coach, trainers, and other support staff. However, when the rubber meets the road, when you're on that court, you're alone. They've prepared you, but they aren't there holding your hand.

2. The Missing Playbook in Marketing

This visualization parallels a gap in the marketing agency approach. An agency might equip you with strategies, but when you're "on the field," interacting with clients, they're not alongside you. Moreover, there's often no 'playbook' or game plan tailored to your business's specific needs.

What if there was a solution where you had an internal team, well-versed with a playbook designed around your brand, your messaging, your style? An ensemble that's trained meticulously, to assist you in the "game" of marketing?

3. The Game-Changer

Tailored Teams and Playbooks Rather than spending exorbitant sums on agencies, we introduce an innovative approach: curate a team of 3-5 assistants for you. But here's the catch: we don't merely connect you and vanish. We arm these assistants with a comprehensive playbook.

This means they're proficient in delivering both quality and quantity, ensuring results, and then diligently reporting back. The essence of this model is efficiency, with the average cost being less than $500 a month. These assistants work cohesively, led by a manager, ensuring that tasks are executed seamlessly.

4. The Future of Marketing and What it Entails for You

If you're currently associated with a marketing agency, or even if you're a client of mine, it's crucial to understand that this internal team approach could be the way forward. The key questions to ponder:

  • Are you consistently active on your social media?
  • Are you educating your clients through videos?
  • Is there a steady stream of blog posts enhancing your SEO?
  • Is your website managed effectively and updated promptly?
  • Is your email marketing strategy on point with effective copywriting and automation?

If any of these areas seem challenging or are tasks you feel you shouldn’t be bogged down with, it's time to consider virtual assistants. Not only can they handle these responsibilities, but they can also iron out any kinks in your sales funnel.

Deep Diving into Specific Marketing Needs

Deep Diving into Specific Marketing Needs

Every venture, whether a start-up or an established corporation, has specific areas that require meticulous attention. While some might find it challenging to engage their audience on social platforms, others could grapple with designing a user-friendly website that tells their brand story compellingly.

The trick lies in not spreading oneself too thin but to zero in on these problem areas. Once identified, solutions aren't far behind. Tailoring specific strategies for these concerns ensures a higher success rate as opposed to a generic one-size-fits-all tactic.

The Craft of Building a Specialist Team

In the diverse world of digital marketing, being a jack-of-all-trades often means mastering none. The success of your marketing endeavors lies in the details. Why settle for someone good at everything when you can have an expert for each task?

When we talk about crafting a team, we mean handpicking individuals whose expertise aligns perfectly with your needs. Whether it's an SEO maven, a social media guru, or a content wordsmith, each team member brings a distinct skill to the table.

Training them further ensures they not only understand your business ethos but also become seamless extensions of your brand, producing content and strategies that resonate deeply with your business ideals.

Leveraging the Autonomy of a Virtual Team

In this digital age, physical boundaries have blurred. A virtual team offers the same, if not more, advantages as a conventional team but without the overheads and constraints of a brick-and-mortar setup. The real magic unfolds when this team operates with a high degree of autonomy.

They become proactive problem solvers, needing minimal supervision. This setup allows you to focus on strategic growth areas while being confident that your team is efficiently handling the operational details. And while guidance will always be at hand, the goal remains to equip you with a self-reliant unit that drives results.

Embracing Proactive Leadership in Your Growth Journey

Growth isn't just about scaling; it's about evolving, learning, and leading. In the ever-changing realm of digital marketing, passive strategies are often left behind. Hence, the emphasis is on proactive leadership. By training and building your team, you are setting the foundation.

But by leading them, providing direction, and making informed decisions, you propel your business forward. It's about harnessing the collective strength of your team while steering the ship with clarity and confidence.

Community Engagement and Continuous Learning

Community Engagement and Continuous Learning

Building a brand isn't a solitary endeavor. It's a collaborative journey with your audience. Engaging with your community, understanding their needs, and constantly adapting is paramount.

Tools like webinars, live sessions, and interactive platforms offer insights that can be game-changers for your strategies. And as you learn, adapt, and grow, sharing this journey with your community makes it all the more enriching.

Leading in the Digital Age

As we navigate the intricacies of the digital world, one thing remains clear: The power of a tailored strategy backed by a specialized team.

As you helm your enterprise, remember that in the world of business, especially in the digital sphere, it's not just about reaching the destination but cherishing and learning from the journey. So, buckle up, lead with conviction, and here's to crafting your unique success story.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are there any online platforms or tools that can help me market my business without hiring an agency?

Fiverr for DIY Marketing:

Fiverr is a global online marketplace where freelancers offer tasks and services in various categories. It provides an efficient platform for businesses to connect with freelancers offering specialized skills, ranging from graphic design to content writing and digital marketing.

Benefits of Using Fiverr for Marketing:

  1. Cost-Effective: One of Fiverr's most significant advantages is its affordability. Instead of committing to expensive agency packages, you can select freelancers based on your budget. The platform's name, "Fiverr," originates from the starting price of services at just $5.
  2. Wide Range of Services: Fiverr boasts freelancers offering a vast array of marketing services. Whether you need a logo, a promotional video, SEO-optimized blog articles, or a full-blown social media campaign, you're likely to find a freelancer skilled in that domain.
  3. Flexibility: Unlike an agency that might have specific packages or long-term commitments, on Fiverr, you can hire freelancers for one-off tasks. This flexibility ensures you pay only for what you need.
  4. Direct Communication: Fiverr’s built-in messaging system lets you communicate directly with freelancers. This ensures clear communication of your requirements and faster revisions if needed.
  5. Reviews & Ratings: Each freelancer on Fiverr has a rating and reviews from previous clients. This helps in selecting experienced professionals and understanding the quality of their work.

How to Use Fiverr Effectively:

  1. Define Your Needs: Before browsing, be clear about what you require. Do you need a series of blog posts, a website redesign, or perhaps a social media manager? Pinpointing your needs will help you search more effectively.
  2. Search & Filter: Use Fiverr’s robust search engine to find freelancers. Utilize filters to sort by service type, budget, delivery time, and more.
  3. Check Portfolios & Reviews: Before hiring, examine a freelancer's portfolio and read reviews from previous clients. This gives you a better idea of their expertise and reliability.
  4. Start with a Test Project: If you're unsure about a freelancer, consider starting with a smaller project. This way, you can gauge their proficiency before committing to larger tasks.
  5. Communicate Clearly: Always be specific about your expectations. The clearer you are in your brief, the more likely the freelancer will deliver what you envisioned.


Fiverr offers an excellent alternative to traditional marketing agencies, especially for small to medium-sized businesses on a budget. By harnessing the platform's vast pool of talent, businesses can create tailored marketing strategies without breaking the bank.

If you're interested in exploring Fiverr for your marketing needs, I have an affiliate link that can help get you started on the right foot.

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