
The Perfect Email
Mar 06, 2024

This blog post has been researched, edited, and approved by expert Hannah Peake. Join our newsletter below to get our free marketing guides.

4 Simple Tips for Crafting The Perfect Email:

  1. Make It Personal: Start by adding your profile picture to your email and use your first name along with your business name. This helps readers remember you and feel a personal connection.
  2. Tell a Story: Share relatable stories right at the beginning. Whether it's about someone you've helped or a personal experience, make sure it resonates with your reader and shows them what's possible.
  3. Keep It Short: Aim for your email to be under 250 words. Short, concise messages are more likely to be read and acted upon, making your emails more effective.
  4. Use Bullet Points: Highlight the main benefits or takeaways in bullet points, preferably three. This breaks down the information, making it easier for readers to see the value and take action.

Table of contents


The Real Deal About Emails

Making a Personal Connection Right from the Start

Engaging Your Audience with Stories

The Power of Bullet Points

Encouraging Interaction: The Final Touch


The Magic Behind Email Success

Hey, I'm Brad Smith from Automation Links, here to help you get the hang of email marketing. Ever wondered what makes some emails way better than others? It's not just about writing them; it's about making sure they actually get opened and read. I'm here to show you how to create emails that really grab your audience's attention and get opened a lot—think about hitting awesome open rates like 80%.

What Makes an Email Great?

Picture this: you send out emails and most of them don't just make it to the inbox; they get opened because people are actually interested. Sounds good, right? Well, it's totally possible. I'm going to share with you the secrets of crafting the perfect email. We're talking about real, practical steps that you can use right away to get your emails noticed and acted on.

How to Get There

Want to know how to make it happen? I've laid it all out for you. We're going to look at everything from writing a subject line that no one can resist to picking the best way to send your emails. This guide is for everyone, whether you've been marketing for years or you're just starting out. Follow these steps, and you'll not only improve your open rates but also start turning those opens into real results.

AutomationLinks Wilmington NC

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The Real Deal About Emails

The Real Deal About Emails

So, what's the big idea behind sending emails? It's pretty clear: they're not meant to just sit there looking pretty or to brag about how awesome you or your business are. The whole point is getting folks to open them, to feel like you're talking right to them, and then to do something about it. That's the secret sauce. In your emails, you've got to be all about building that connection. Show them something super valuable that makes them think, "Wow, I gotta check this out."

Crafting The Perfect Email

And how do you make your email the one they can’t wait to open? It’s all about making it feel like it’s just for them. Say, "Hey, got questions? Hit me back with a reply." This makes it super personal and way more than just another email. Here's the kicker: your emails are like a bridge. They're there to educate and tighten that bond between you and your reader. If your emails are always trying to sell something, folks might start tuning out. But if you’re consistent and personal, they’ll listen. Here’s how to nail it:

  • Be Consistent: Send out an email like this at least once a month. This keeps you on their radar. Even better, send it at the same time on the same day. That way, they know when to expect your awesome emails.
  • Get Personal: Make your emails feel like they're coming straight from you, not some faceless brand. Even if you're using fancy tools to send them out, it should feel like you just typed it up in your personal email and hit send. This builds a stronger connection every time.

Keeping these points in mind will help you create emails that not only get opened but also help build lasting relationships with your audience.

Making a Personal Connection Right from the Start

Making a Personal Connection Right from the Start

Here's a pro tip that can really make a difference: the first thing folks see when they get your email is super important. So, what’s one easy thing you can do? Add your profile picture to your email account. Whether you’re using G Suite, Outlook, or any other email service, it’s usually just a few clicks in the settings to get your picture up there. This might seem small, but it puts a face to your name, making it way easier for people to remember who you are. And that’s what we’re after, right? Building those connections and making sure you stick in their minds.

Building Relationships Through Email

Now, about sending your emails, use your first name plus your business name. Here's the thing: most people might not remember your business name or, to be honest, they might not even care at first. But they will remember your name if you make it personal. So, start your email with your first name and then tag your business name at the end. This way, they get to know you first and, as they keep seeing your name, they start connecting it with your business. It’s all about getting personal and making sure they remember both you and your business over time.

  • Profile Picture: A simple step that makes your emails more personal. Seeing your face makes you more memorable.
  • Name Usage: Use your first name along with your business name as the sender. It’s more personal and helps build recognition for both you and your brand.

Incorporating these elements into your emails turns each message from just another email into a personal conversation. It’s about reinforcing that connection every chance you get, making sure you're not just another forgotten sender in their inbox.

Engaging Your Audience with Stories

One powerful way to grab your reader's attention right from the get-go is by diving into a story. Whether it's a tale of someone you've helped, a personal journey, or an experience that sheds light on your work, stories resonate deeply. The trick here is to choose a narrative that your reader can see themselves in. Think about someone you've worked with who mirrors the person reading your email. This relatability factor is crucial—it makes your message not just seen, but felt. By sharing stories of individuals similar to your reader, you're not just telling them what you can do; you're showing them the possibilities through the eyes of someone just like them.

Keeping It Concise and Relatable

Now, let’s talk length. Keeping your email under 250 words is key. It might seem like a challenge, but shorter emails tend to have higher open rates and engagement. People value their time, and a concise email respects that. It says you're not here to take up their day; you're here to make it better. Aim for simplicity, usefulness, and connection. Start with one or two compelling sentences that draw them in, then keep the momentum with content that’s straightforward and impactful. The goal is to deliver value without overstaying your welcome in their inbox.

  • Storytelling: Start with a relatable story to engage your reader. It's about making a connection that feels personal and meaningful.
  • Brevity is Key: Keep your email under 250 words to ensure it’s read and acted upon. Short, impactful messages resonate more, making your communication efficient and effective.

This approach not only makes your emails a pleasure to read but also significantly boosts the likelihood of your message being remembered and acted upon. By being relatable and concise, you're not just another email in the inbox; you become a welcome sight.

the Power of Bullet Points

Bullet points are like the secret weapon of the perfect email. Why? Because people love clarity and simplicity, and bullet points deliver just that. When you're talking about what your reader will gain by clicking on that link in your email, be clear and concise. Aim for about three key takeaways or benefits. This is your moment to give them a taste—a free sample, if you will—of the value awaiting them. It's like saying, "Here’s a sneak peek of what you’re about to discover."

Crafting Compelling Calls-to-Action

Here's how you can structure it: Start with a quick intro about a success story or a recent project, something like, "Hey, we’ve been collaborating with [someone] on [something exciting], and now it’s your turn to get in on the action." Then, hit them with those three bullet points outlining exactly what they’ll learn or achieve. It could be a simple guide, a checklist, or even a template—anything that adds value. The format isn’t as important as the promise of ease and insight. Wrap up with a straightforward call-to-action, inviting them to click on the link for a free guide or resource that promises similar success with minimal effort on their part.

  • Simplify with Bullet Points: Break down the benefits into 2-5 bullet points, with three being the sweet spot.
  • Offer a Free Sample: Give a glimpse of what's in store, making it irresistible for readers to want more.
  • Easy Does It: Your closing should emphasize the simplicity and accessibility of the offered resource, encouraging clicks without overwhelming.

This structure not only respects the reader's time but also builds anticipation and interest. By presenting a low-friction opportunity to access valuable resources, you significantly increase the chances of engagement. Remember, the goal is to make it as easy and appealing as possible for them to take the next step.

Encouraging Interaction: The Final Touch

Engagement doesn’t stop at just sending an email; it's about sparking a conversation. That's why it's crucial to always invite a response. Whether it's feedback on the resource you've shared, a question they might have, or an insight they want to contribute, opening the door for dialogue is key. This simple yet effective step does wonders for keeping your emails front and center in their inbox.

Imagine this: each reply not only strengthens the relationship but also signals to email providers that your messages are welcome, ensuring your future emails continue to land right where you want them. This engagement loop is what turns a good email strategy into a great one.

The Essence of The Perfect Email

So, what makes an email 'perfect'? It's its ability to be straightforward, valuable, and interactive. The perfect email is designed not just to inform but to invite participation. It’s about crafting messages that are easy to digest, act upon, and respond to. Here’s the takeaway:

  • Invite Replies: Always encourage your readers to engage with your email by asking for their feedback or questions.
  • Boost Engagement: A reply means more than just interaction; it helps your emails stay prominent in their inbox, increasing your visibility and the likelihood of future interactions.
  • Keep It Simple: The ultimate goal is to make your email concise, direct, and packed with value, making it a no-brainer for recipients to open, click, and engage.

By focusing on these elements, you create a powerful email strategy that does more than just communicate—it connects and converts. Remember, the true measure of the perfect email is not just in its open rate, but in the meaningful interactions it fosters.

Wrapping It All Up: Your Path to Email Mastery

Embracing the Future of Email Marketing

And there you have it—a simple guide to creating emails that people actually want to open, read, and respond to. It's all about getting real with your audience, keeping things short and sweet, and sparking a bit of back-and-forth. We've walked through adding a personal touch with your photo and name, sharing stories that resonate, keeping your message under 250 words, highlighting the goodies with bullet points, and ending with a call for a chat.

Remember, the perfect email feels like a quick catch-up with a friend—it's personal, straight to the point, and always leaves room for a reply. By sticking to these principles, you'll not only see better engagement rates but also build stronger, more meaningful connections with your audience. So go ahead, give it a try, and watch your emails transform from overlooked to unmissable. Happy emailing!

AutomationLinks Wilmington NC


AutomationLinks is a digital marketing agency located in Wilmington North Carolina. We have worked with over 6,000 businesses and nonprofits over the last 10 years. We believe in a relationship marketing approach to help you turn visitors into customers using automation.

Frequently Asked questions

  • How often should I send out emails to ensure my audience remembers me?

    Aim to send an email at least once a month. Consistency is key, so sending your emails on the same day and time each month helps your audience know when to expect them, keeping you top of mind

  • How can I make my emails feel more personal?

    Use your first name and business name as the sender, and consider adding your profile picture to your email account settings. This personal touch makes your emails feel like they're coming directly from you, building stronger connections.

  • What's the ideal length for an effective email?

    Keep your email under 250 words. Shorter emails are not only more likely to be read but also encourage higher engagement and click-through rates. Focus on delivering value in a concise format to respect your readers' time.

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