
Content Marketing Plan Example
Brad Smith • Sep 01, 2023

This blog post has been researched, edited, and approved by expert Hannah Peake. Join our newsletter below to get our free marketing guides.

Content Marketing Plan Example

"Alright, guys, this is going to be a fun one!" How often do you hear this in a typical coaching session? It's all about engagement and growing your leads. But what happens when life throws you a curveball, like a car accident, and you're forced to pivot?

This blog post dives into the transition from one-on-one relationship marketing to the vast landscapes of online marketing. Buckle up; you're in for a ride!

Hands-On Coaching and Relationship Marketing

Hands-On Coaching and Relationship Marketing

"Shake their hands, and once you had that relationship, they always became a strong prospect." Traditional relationship marketing thrives on personal interaction. Face-to-face meetings, handshakes, and eye contact are the order of the day.

Whether you're in the health and fitness sector, running a nonprofit, or guiding a Fortune 500 company, the mantra is the same: People buy from people they know.

The Magic of Personal Interaction

Nothing beats the impact of a heartfelt conversation, a reassuring pat on the back, or the simple act of shaking hands. These gestures form the cornerstone of relationship marketing in traditional settings.

  • Real-life Example: The salesperson who remembers your name and your favorite product isn't just doing their job; they're employing effective relationship marketing. You're more likely to return to that store, aren't you?

When Life Has Other Plans

However, what happens when life deals you a card you didn't expect? A sudden incident can change the dynamics and push you into the unfamiliar territory of the digital world.

"My wife and I were in a really bad car accident, which made me pivot from a local business to helping people with online businesses." No one plans for life's curveballs. Sometimes you're forced into situations that demand a complete reassessment of your business model.

The Challenge of Transferring Trust Online

The Challenge of Transferring Trust Online

The digital sphere lacks the immediacy and intimacy of face-to-face interactions. Here, trust can't be won with a handshake but must be built over time. The key question: How can you transmit that same level of trust through a screen?

The Pivot: Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

The Pivot: Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

"All right, instead of being able to work with somebody one on one, how can I build better relationships through the Internet?" It may sound like a hard nut to crack, but it's entirely possible. Here's the breakdown:

Strategies to Digitize Relationship Building:

  • Webinars and Virtual Events: Think of these as your digital handshake. Make your virtual events as engaging as your one-on-one sessions to build connections.

  • Social Media Engagement: Don't just post and ghost. Respond to comments, engage in conversations, and build a community around your brand.

  • Content Marketing: Generate content that offers real value. Make it so good that people can't help but share it. We've got some tips and tricks in our marketing gameplans that can help.

Relationship Marketing in the Digital Age

Relationship Marketing in the Digital Age

"I really take that relationship marketing approach." The core tenets of relationship marketing — trust, value, and interaction — remain unchanged in the digital realm. It's not the medium that's the challenge; it's how you use it to convey your message effectively.

Evolving With the Times

Transitioning from traditional to digital doesn't mean you leave behind the essentials. It means adapting them to a new medium. Our coaching playbooks offer actionable insights for modern marketing strategies that are grounded in proven principles.

Introduction: The Coach Mindset

"I'm going to be sharing my screen, and this is our playbook. I'm a coach," says Brad Smith in his recent YouTube video. If you've ever been an athlete or involved in team sports, you know how crucial a playbook is.

The same applies to business; it's about having that coach mindset. "Everything I do, I was a hockey player in the past, so everything in my head is coach mindset."

Why You Need a Business Playbook

Why You Need a Business Playbook

Think of a playbook as your business Bible. "So when you're running your business next week, I want you to just reference this playbook right here, copy and paste everything and just implement it into your business."

A playbook isn't just a document; it's a way of life. It becomes the core of your operations, guiding your team, freelancers, and contractors.

Why Your Website is the Keystone of Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Why Your Website is the Keystone of Your Digital Marketing Strategy

When it comes to establishing a robust online presence, everything revolves around your website. Think of it as your digital business card, a central hub where visitors can learn more about you, your services, and what you bring to the table.


Let's dive into why your website is the cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy and how it ties into building trust, lead generation, and customer conversion.

Your Website as a Trust Builder

In the online world, first impressions matter, especially when you're starting from scratch. Without a website, people won't trust you. It's that simple. Your website serves as your first touchpoint with potential clients, a digital handshake if you will. It's a platform that showcases what you can offer and why you're the go-to expert in your field.

You don't need a complex site to start; keeping it simple is key. Overloading your visitors with too much information is a surefire way to turn them off. Start with essential information and a couple of quick links that allow people to reach out to you. Our gameplan at AutomationLinks can help you design such a website.

The Role of Landing Pages and Lead Magnets

Landing pages and lead magnets are crucial, but they aren't a substitute for a full-fledged website. However, these elements serve as step two in the customer conversion process.

Landing pages, when executed well, can dramatically increase conversion rates. For example, we've seen a 30% conversion rate with one of our landing pages. That's 30 out of 100 visitors willingly giving us their name and email. That's pretty darn impressive, isn't it?

Lead magnets serve as the cherry on top, offering value in exchange for contact details. The cold hard truth? Less than 1% of website visitors take any action—like filling out a contact form or signing up with their email.

That's where lead magnets come into play. By providing something of value for free—whether it's an e-book, a checklist, or a short course—you increase the chances of turning a visitor into a subscriber and, eventually, a client.

Selecting the Right Software and Help

When it comes to building a website, the platform you choose matters. While WordPress is popular, it might not be the best choice for everyone, especially if you're not tech-savvy. You want a platform that's easy to log into and edit because let's face it—you're busy running your business.

Also, don't hesitate to hire freelancers to build your website. In fact, you can get a page built for as low as $20. Cost-effective and easy-to-manage platforms can be part of your overall advertising playbook.

The Master Plan: Turning Your First-Time Website Visitors into Lifelong Customers

The Master Plan: Turning Your First-Time Website Visitors into Lifelong Customers

If you're caught in the endless loop of attracting first-time visitors who never convert, then this is your wake-up call. Sure, they may not pull out their wallets right away, but that doesn't mean they won't in the future. And hey, we get it, you want those conversions, like, yesterday.

You need a master plan that focuses on email automation and killer content. Buckle up because we’re about to go on a wild ride!

The 6th Email: Your New Lucky Number

First things first. Your first-time visitors aren't gonna hit "buy" on their first click. That's like expecting a marriage proposal on a first date. Chill out! What you need is an email automation system that builds a solid relationship over time.

By the sixth email (yes, you heard right, the sixth), you want them to either make a purchase or take some significant action. They might not be ready to buy today, but who's to say they won't be ready in a year or two? Get your email game on point, and you’re halfway there.

Check out our marketing gameplan for more on how to build email automations that work.

Penny for Your Thoughts: Hiring Freelancers

But maybe you're saying, "I can't write emails for the life of me!" Don't sweat it. You can always hire freelancers who specialize in crafting captivating copy. They'll give your emails that extra oomph to move your reader toward your business. And remember, you don't have to break the bank. A good freelancer can revamp your emails without leaving you penniless.

The Great Software Debate

You're a newbie, you don't need to splurge $100 a month on some fancy-schmancy email marketing software.

There are plenty of free options out there. But here's the kicker: be wary of platforms infested with spammers. You don’t want your emails getting lost in the void known as the spam folder.

Blogging: Your Untapped Goldmine

Move over, emails. Blogs are the unsung heroes of your marketing strategy. Google loves 'em. People love 'em. So, why aren't you writing 'em? It’s a long climb to the top of Google search results, but think about it. In three years, you could be swimming in organic traffic.

Starting now means you’re planting seeds for a lush, green, customer-filled garden in the future. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

Become the Google Whisperer

How do you pick what to write about? Simple. Think like Google. What are people searching for? Write about that.

Make it the center of your content universe for the week. Blog first, then expand. Create videos, FAQs, and hit those social media posts hard. If people are searching on Google, they’re asking elsewhere, too.

AI and Automation: Your New BFFs

If you're not a wordsmith, it's cool. Between AI, automation, and a pool of freelancers, you've got options. A weekly blog post can cost as little as five bucks to get up and running. Do it right, and that’s a small investment for long-term gains in SEO and brand credibility.

Email Automation: The Follow-Up Game

Keep hitting those inboxes. With FAQs, tips, and valuable info. You're not just a seller; you're a mentor, a guide, a college professor in the school of whatever-your-business-is. People are more likely to buy from someone they trust, so start building that trust.

Software & SEO: The Icing on the Cake

And last but not least, get your hands on some top-tier SEO software. I’ll help you get that SEO sorted, so your site isn’t just a pretty face—it’s a high-ranking powerhouse.

The Future of Marketing: The Video Content Playbook

The Future of Marketing: The Video Content Playbook

In today's digital landscape, everyone's talking about content. Written blogs, social media posts, infographics—they're all essential. But guess what's ruling the roost right now?

Video content. Yeah, you heard it right! Videos are the showstoppers, the crown jewels of modern marketing. Here's how to use them to elevate your marketing game.

Why Videos Are Dominating

So, you have a health and fitness business, right? You've been helping people through your videos long before you dipped your toes into digital marketing. You've probably already realized this: working face-to-face with someone is top-notch, but letting them watch your videos is a close second. Why?

Videos scale your impact, letting you touch more lives without being physically present. Just take it from YouTube veterans who've been on the platform since around 2014. They were giving out free tips and advice and didn't even realize they were building the foundations of a digital empire.

What's the secret sauce? People trust you more when they see your face, your expressions. You're not just selling; you're teaching, you're coaching—you're adding value.

Be The College Professor In Your Industry

Think of it this way: you should aim to be like a free university for your audience. Yep, you're the college professor they never had. The go-to guru.

When they need that extra help, guess who they'll turn to? You, with your coaching playbooks and game plans ready to elevate them to the next level.

How to Nourish Your Video Content Strategy

1. Learn From The Best

Don't reinvent the wheel. Follow five people on YouTube who are crushing it in your niche. Copy them—not verbatim, of course. Add your own twist, your own flavor to it. Check their posting schedule, their thumbnails, and mirror it in a way that aligns with your brand.

2. Consistency Is Key

Start slow but steady. Once a month is okay initially, but aim to post a video and a blog every week. Be consistent—that's the name of the game. Use your blogs and videos as raw material for your social media posts.

Speaking of which, SEO plays a big role here. Your videos could propel your website's growth, especially given that YouTube and Google are joined at the hip.

3. Outsource When Needed

If you're too swamped running your business to focus on social media, delegate! For just $40 a month, freelancers can keep your social media channels buzzing. Keep in mind though, your videos should be your own—you can't outsource authenticity.

Be a Creator

Remember, don't be a consumer, be a creator. Only 1% are creating content while the rest are just consuming. Flip the script—invest your energy in creating, not consuming. Your video content isn't just a marketing tactic; it's your digital classroom, your platform to teach, inspire, and engage. You're not just boosting your business; you're elevating lives.

So what's stopping you? Roll that camera and action!

The Dawn of Affiliate Marketing

The Dawn of Affiliate Marketing

So, you've got your game plan or playbook, and now you're wondering, "What's next?" Enter affiliate marketing. Imagine turning your customers into your very own sales team!

Why Word-of-Mouth Referrals Matter

Word-of-mouth isn’t just what your grandma did when she found a good deal on oranges. It's one of the most effective ways to grow a business. When people love what you offer, they'll yak about it. And their network listens.

The Dynamic Combo

So why not combine affiliate marketing with word-of-mouth referrals? That's like throwing gasoline on a campfire. Think about it. You're already in Email Number Three saying, "Hey, enjoy the playbook? Wanna make some cash on the side?"

But don't stop there. Ask them to leave a review, tag you in social media posts, and share your content with their circle. Their voice can resonate far and wide.

Grow Your Game Plan

By the way, we're not just talking theory here. We’ve seen businesses shoot up their growth rate by up to 50% just by incorporating an affiliate program. And when they tack on the power of word-of-mouth? Those numbers can skyrocket even further!

To Sum it Up

Grow Your Game Plan

Your website isn't just a static page on the internet; it's an evolving platform that serves multiple functions from building trust to lead generation. It's the cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy, and getting it right is crucial for your success.

So, are you ready to build a website that not only serves as a trust builder but also a lead magnet? It's time to put these insights into action!

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