
What Type of Ads Work Best on Twitter
Brad Smith • Aug 30, 2023

This blog post has been researched, edited, and approved by expert Hannah Peake. Join our newsletter below to get our free marketing guides.

How to Use Twitter Ads for a 30% Conversion Rate at Pennies Per Click: An In-Depth Guide

Are you looking to tap into the untapped potential of social media advertising but feel overwhelmed by the choices? Skeptical about the ROI of Twitter ads? Worry not. Today, I'm going to unravel a comprehensive Twitter ads playbook that has helped numerous businesses achieve jaw-dropping results.

One of the businesses I recently collaborated with raked in $49,000 in sales from Twitter ads alone in a single month. Read on to find out how you can achieve a staggering 30% conversion rate while spending just pennies per click.

The Unmatched Value of a Playbook

The Unmatched Value of a Playbook

I design playbooks for businesses and nonprofits to deploy in their marketing strategies. These guides illustrate how to set up your Twitter ads, engage with your audience, and convert leads into paying customers. These playbooks are meticulously detailed guides that walk you through every step of setting up your Twitter ads.

They cover how to connect with your target audience, create compelling content, and ultimately convert leads into paying customers. Think of it as a master plan that condenses years of expertise into a digestible format.

Proven Results: A Case Study to Build Confidence

I want to share the story of one of our clients to showcase the potential of Twitter ads. This client was brand new just a year ago and had a zero investment budget. Fast forward to today, they're about to record their highest-grossing month, boasting $383,000 in total sales.


Impressively, $49,000 of that revenue came directly from Twitter ads. This real-life example is a testament to the efficacy of Twitter advertising when executed correctly.

Why Choose Twitter Ads? The Rationale

Why Choose Twitter Ads? The Rationale

If you’ve been ignoring Twitter in favor of Facebook or Instagram ads, it's time to reconsider. Twitter advertising offers some of the lowest-cost clicks in the industry. Even better, the Twitter audience is amongst the most engaged I've witnessed, second only to YouTube ads perhaps.

Twitter users are often looking for business growth, networking, or to support causes they believe in. This makes the platform a hotbed for targeted advertising. In simpler terms, Twitter is simply a goldmine waiting to be discovered.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Twitter Ads: 

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Twitter Ads:

Step 1: Build Your Audience—An Essential Foundation

Before you dive into Twitter advertising, it's crucial to identify who your target audience is. On Twitter, you can leverage advanced targeting options like retargeting followers of specific accounts, or even narrowing down your audience based on certain keywords, interests, or demographics.

The more laser-focused your targeting, the better your results will be.

Step 2: Create Your Ad Sets—Variety is Key

Once you've got your audience in sight, the next step is to develop ad sets. Start by creating at least ten different ad sets, each featuring unique images, videos, and even GIFs.

A week of running these sets should give you ample data to analyze which creatives are generating the most engagement.

Step 3: Refine Your Copywriting—The Art of Persuasion

After you've gathered enough data on your creatives, focus on sharpening your copywriting.

Test different headlines, calls to action, and ad descriptions in your highest-performing ads. Tweaking the copywriting can exponentially increase an ad's effectiveness.

Step 4: Direct Traffic to a Landing Page—The Conversion Funnel

When setting up your Twitter ads, ensure you direct traffic to a tracking-enabled, purpose-built landing page. This allows you to monitor various metrics, including conversion rates.

For instance, one of our clients received over 5,000 clicks, which resulted in 1,500 email opt-ins. That translates to a 30% conversion rate!

Step 5: Turn Leads into Customers—The Final Frontier

After you've gathered a considerable number of leads, the next step is to direct them to a secondary page specifically designed for conversion.

This could be a product page, a special offer page, or a subscription service page. This is where you turn leads into actual paying customers.

Step 6: Retargeting—Chasing the One That Got Away

For leads who don't convert on the first visit, don't lose hope. Retargeting ads can significantly increase your conversion rate.

From our experience, a well-executed retargeting campaign can boost conversion rates by an additional 15%.

Step 7: Email Automation—The Icing on the Cake

Last but not least, employ an email automation strategy that engages the user over a span of two weeks.

A well-structured email series can add another layer of engagement and has the potential to increase sales by an extra 15%.

Measuring Success: Beyond the Basics

After your campaign is live and kicking, it's essential to dive into analytics to measure its success. Don't just limit yourself to basic metrics. Go beyond to analyze:

  • Number of unique visitors to the landing page

  • Engagement rate of the ads

  • Number of email opt-ins

  • Immediate purchases vs. delayed purchases

  • Customer lifetime value

In one case, out of 5,000 visitors, our client had 1,500 email opt-ins, 250 of whom converted immediately, and an additional 500 who converted later. These are the kind of detailed insights that can help fine-tune future campaigns.

Additional Tips for Maximizing ROI: Become a Pro

While the core steps mentioned above lay the foundation for a solid Twitter advertising strategy, the sky's the limit when it comes to optimization. Here are some pro-level tips:

A/B Testing: Uncover What Truly Resonates

Don't settle for ‘good enough’ when you can aim for ‘excellent.’ A/B testing is your best friend when it comes to this. Don't just settle for one version of your ad. Test different ad formats, creatives, and copies to see what genuinely resonates with your audience.

Use A/B testing to compare different ad creatives and copy. The more you test, the better you understand what resonates with your audience, which ultimately leads to higher conversion rates.

Geo-Targeting: Localize Your Approach

Twitter allows you to target users based on geographic locations. If your business is local or performs particularly well in specific geo-targeting, focus your advertising efforts within those areas.

This will ensure that your ads are seen by the people who are most likely to engage with your product or service. This also means that your advertising budget is spent most effectively.

Seasonal Campaigns: Seize the Moment

Different times of the year may present unique opportunities for your business. Consider setting up seasonal campaigns that take advantage of holidays, events, or even seasons that are especially relevant to your product or service.

Capitalizing on specific seasons, holidays, or events that are relevant to your product or service often yield higher engagement rates due to their timely nature.

Analytics: Dive Deep into Metrics

Twitter provides a plethora of analytics tools. Always keep track of how your campaigns are performing by looking at key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rate, conversion rate, cost per click, and return on ad spend.

Use this data to make informed decisions and further optimize your Twitter ads.

Split Your Budget: Adapt and Thrive

Don't pour all your money into a single ad set or campaign right away. Start with a smaller budget to test different ads and targeting options.

Once you identify what works best, you can then scale up your budget for those specific high-performing ads.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Twitter, like any other platform, is continuously evolving. To stay competitive, you must adapt your strategies accordingly.

Below are some ways to ensure you're always one step ahead:

1. Be Aware of Twitter Updates:

Twitter frequently releases new features and changes to its algorithm. Keeping up with these updates will help you adapt your strategies in real-time and make the most out of the platform.

2. Engage with Your Audience

Twitter is not just a platform for broadcasting; it's a two-way street. Make sure you're not just posting ads but also engaging with your audience by responding to comments, retweets, and direct messages. This will build brand loyalty and improve your long-term success.

3. Monitor Your Competitors

Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing. This doesn't mean copying their strategies, but understanding what they're doing can provide insights into market trends and reveal gaps in your approach.

Final Thoughts: Keep Evolving

Just like any other digital platform, Twitter is continuously evolving. To stay at the forefront, you must adapt and innovate.

Keep track of Twitter's updates, engage with your audience genuinely, and always keep an eye on what your competitors are up to. By doing so, you're not just aiming for a 30% conversion rate; you're aiming to exceed it.

Your Next Steps: Grab Your Playbook

If you've made it to the end of this comprehensive guide, congratulations! You're well on your way to mastering Twitter ads and driving exceptional results for your business or nonprofit.

If all of this sounds like a lot, don't worry. Everything outlined above and more is available in my free playbook. Download it and start leveraging Twitter ads for your business or nonprofit.

Achieving a 30% conversion rate at pennies per click isn't just possible, it's highly probable if you follow these steps.

Next Steps Recap:

  • Download the free playbook for a deeper dive and actionable templates.
  • Build your audience and create your ad sets.
  • Optimize your copywriting and landing pages.
  • Implement retargeting and email automation.
  • Analyze key metrics to measure your success.

I'm confident that if you follow these steps and tips, you'll not only see a boost in your conversions but also develop a deeper understanding of your target audience and what makes them click—literally.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before I go, let's address some frequently asked questions:

How much should I spend on Twitter ads?

  • The amount you should spend will depend on your goals, industry, and what you're trying to achieve. Starting small and scaling up based on performance is a good strategy.

What if I don't see immediate results?

  • Advertising is an ongoing process that requires patience and iteration. If you're not seeing immediate results, it's essential to look at the data, make adjustments, and try again.

Can I apply these strategies to other platforms?

  • While this guide focuses on Twitter ads, many of these principles can be adapted for other social media platforms. However, each platform has its nuances, so you'll need to adjust your strategy accordingly.

Additional Resources

For those of you who are eager to keep learning, here are some additional resources that can help you get even more out of your Twitter ads:

  • Twitter Ads Best Practices: An official guide from Twitter on optimizing your ad campaigns.

  • Twitter Analytics Tools: Comprehensive tools that can help you better understand your ROI.

  • Blogs and Webinars: Stay updated with the latest strategies and tips from industry experts.

Feedback and Support

If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the topics covered, feel free to reach out. Your feedback is incredibly valuable and will help improve future versions of this playbook and guide.

Here's to your Twitter advertising success! Don't wait another day to start achieving your marketing goals. With the right strategy, the sky is the limit!

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