
Online Relationships | How to build better relationships
Brad Smith • Mar 20, 2019

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How to build real online relationships

Hey, how's it going team Brad Smith here with AutomationLinks. Just got done with an awesome coaching session with our coaching clients going over relationships...

Some of the things we went over was how to build relationships online, why you should use Google for people searching and buying things and social media for building your brand. And followup, followup by creating and helping them, answering their questions through email messenger and even just through your post and videos on social media.

Some things I want you guys to really remember is you need to have videos welcoming them coming into your funnel. You need to follow up with them, through emails, Facebook messenger, and also just being consistent on social media.

And then last but not least, is just continue helping instead of selling. So one thing that we talked about this last weekend with one of our clients is, you know, people go to Google to go by and find something there on Facebook just for social and networking.

So that's why you need to think of your social media account as a relationship builder and your brand. So you're now you're thinking about social media as building your brand as a helpful business out there, helping people as much as you can and that's going to continue relationships.

Another thing we touched on was, I have over 4,000 people in my Facebook group in person, let's say I have five really close local friends and then let's say 20 networking friends in my local area. Now we all know how important it is to build relationships with people locally, meet them face to face, but you can double, triple, quadruple.

There's really no limit when you start creating relationships with people online. So you're making relationships face to face and then you're doing it online. Also, you could have up to 4,000, 10,000, 100,000 relationships and friends that follow you and still support you without ever having to meet them. And obviously if you ever get a chance to meet them, try to meet with them. If you're in their area, they're in your area and meet up with them, continue building that relationship.

So that's a whole thing. I tried to teach and I tried to coach in my coaching program. If you haven't heard anything about it, just comment coach in the comments and I'll send you some information about it. But that's what it is. How can I get through the camera, shake somebody's hand like I would face to face online and that's how you can scale and really grow your business.

Now a lot of times I know our mentality is a word of mouth referrals, face to face, business connections. That's where we're always going to get the best business, right, right from the face to face interactions. But if you can get your mindset right, change your thinking about the Internet and building real relationships with people online, that's when your business is going to truly scale.

Because what you're doing right now is you're doing those relationships face to face, great. You're probably a pro and expert at it. That's where you get all your clients, but what you're missing out on is when you go to your social media, your emails and your website, all you're trying to do is sell.

Those are all your sales channels or you're looking at Facebook ads and all these ads that you can do to sell. Really, you should do less selling online because you haven't met that person face to face. When you meet someone face to face, you can sell all day long to them. You can send them the sales page to get them signed up right then and there.

But on the Internet you've never met that person. So why would they just go buy from you right away? So I want to encourage you guys to build those real relationships online before you start selling them because they might not be ready yet.

They might have just found your posts and see that you're helping them instead of selling them. That's when you're going to get them into your funnel. Email them, message them, help them with consistent social media branding. And that's when, when they're ready, when they can afford you, when they actually need your services, who are they going to reach out to and who are they going to hire?

So thanks guys for reading. I appreciate it. Obviously, if you need any help or any questions, make sure you let me know and I'll be more than happy to talk to you soon. Hope you have a great day.

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