
How To Retarget Online In 2023
Brad Smith • Sep 29, 2023

This blog post has been researched, edited, and approved by expert Hannah Peake. Join our newsletter below to get our free marketing guides.

Here are four simple tips to help you learn about retargeting online:

  1. Email Marketing Retargeting: Always aim to capture the email addresses of your website visitors. In exchange, provide them with something of value such as a PDF, webinar, or a unique tool. Once they're on your email list, consistently follow up with value-driven content. This ensures you remain on top of their mind.
  2. Social Media Presence: Encourage your email subscribers to follow you on social media platforms. Regularly post valuable content on these platforms to engage them. It's essential to maintain consistency in your social media posts to keep the audience engaged and reminded of your brand.
  3. Google PMAX Retargeting: Utilize Google PMAX for retargeting ads. This tool ensures that your ads are displayed across various platforms such as Gmail, YouTube, and general browsing. It helps in creating brand visibility wherever your potential customer goes online.
  4. Diversified Ad Platforms: Don't limit yourself to a single platform. Explore Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for retargeting ads. Being omnipresent ensures that your potential customer sees you everywhere, amplifying brand recall.

4 Additional Retargeting Tips:

  1. Segmentation: Segment your audience based on their behaviors, interests, and interactions with your brand. This helps in delivering more personalized and relevant retargeting ads.
  2. A/B Testing: Always test your retargeting ads. This involves trying out different visuals, headlines, and calls to action to see which ones resonate most with your audience.
  3. Frequency Capping: Ensure you don't overexpose your audience to the same ads repeatedly. Set a frequency cap to avoid ad fatigue, ensuring your audience doesn't get irritated with your brand.
  4. Engaging Content: Retargeting isn't just about reminding the audience of a product they viewed. It's also about sharing value. Occasionally mix in educational content, testimonials, or user-generated content to showcase different aspects of your brand.

The Astonishing Power of Retargeting in Online Marketing

The Remarkable Statistic

Have you ever come across an online statistic that made your jaw drop? Here's one: a staggering 0.1% of first-time visitors to your website will actually make a purchase.

At first glance, this might seem disheartening, but it underscores a crucial aspect of online marketing—retargeting.

Why Retargeting?

So, why is retargeting so essential? With such a minuscule percentage of first-time buyers, it's clear that establishing and nurturing relationships online is paramount.

Retargeting isn't just about bombarding your potential customers with ads, but crafting a message tailored to their previous interactions with your brand.

Meet Brad Smith: The Marketing Coach

Meet Brad Smith: The Marketing Coach

Brad Smith, a seasoned professional with eight years in the industry, is no stranger to the nuances of digital marketing. From solopreneurs and large corporations to non-profits, Brad has assisted a diverse clientele in automating their marketing efforts.

With a myriad of tactics available, it can undoubtedly become overwhelming. However, Brad emphasizes that once you establish a foundation, the process becomes significantly more straightforward.

His secret sauce? A blend of retargeting, combined with a functional website, proactive social media engagement, and strategic email marketing.

The Era of Intelligent Retargeting

If you think retargeting is a thing of the past, think again. Our devices have become eerily intelligent. Utter a word, type in a search query, or even just ponder over a product, and soon enough, you're likely to see related ads.

It's like Siri, Google, and other digital assistants are continually eavesdropping, ensuring that you're reminded of your interests or needs through retargeting ads.

Beyond Conventional Ad Retargeting

However, retargeting is not confined to just ads. It's a vast domain with myriad strategies. Brad is keen on breaking down these diverse methods to help businesses tap into the potential of retargeting effectively.

Step 1: Harnessing the Power of Email Marketing for Retargeting

Step 1: Harnessing the Power of Email Marketing for Retargeting

The Essence of Email Retargeting

Retargeting through email marketing is, hands down, one of the most effective tools in the marketer's arsenal. The premise is simple yet powerful: whenever someone visits your website, landing pages, or even your social media platforms, the goal is to capture their email address.

But how do you encourage them to part with such personal information? The answer lies in offering genuine value.

An Exchange of Value

Brad Smith, for instance, has successfully implemented this approach by offering a unique tool: a free 'marketing machine analyzer'. This tool allows visitors to identify gaps in their marketing efforts, providing them with a custom sales funnel at the end. In exchange? Their precious email address.

The golden rule here is to think from the visitor's perspective. What kind of value would compel them to share their email? Whether it's a comprehensive PDF, an insightful webinar, an attractive coupon code (especially if you operate in the e-commerce space), or deeper insights into your non-profit's work - the goal is to offer something they deem valuable.

Building and Nurturing Relationships

Once you've successfully obtained their email, the retargeting journey truly begins. Consider this an opportunity to build and nurture a relationship with your audience. Brad's 'automation playbook', for instance, offers a structured approach with six tailor-made emails spread out over two weeks.

These emails are designed to foster a sense of trust and engagement with the recipient. For those interested, Brad's templates, available below the video, can be a game-changer.

The Importance of Consistency

Understanding the behavior of online visitors is vital. Given that a minimal percentage of visitors engage on their maiden visit to a website, retargeting through emails allows marketers to maintain consistency in communication, enhancing the chances of converting a visitor into a loyal customer or client.

Step 2: Leveraging Social Media for Retargeting

Step 2: Leveraging Social Media for Retargeting

Introducing Social Media Retargeting

The next powerful strategy after email marketing is leveraging the reach of social media for retargeting. Imagine this scenario: you've captured a visitor's email, and the first communication they receive from you invites them to connect on social platforms. This simple move does wonders in enhancing the visibility of your brand to your audience.

Consistency is King

Upon following you on social media, the individual not only receives your carefully crafted emails but also encounters your posts regularly on their feed. This dual engagement - through both emails and social media updates - creates consistent touchpoints, keeping your brand at the forefront of their mind.

But remember, it's crucial that what they see is valuable content that resonates with their needs or interests. If you're not currently active on social media, now's the time to step up your game.

The Power of Value-driven Content

Your social media content shouldn't be arbitrary. The objective is to consistently provide value, information, and insights that cater to the needs of your audience. Over time, this establishes trust and positions your brand as an authority in the field.

When They're Ready, They'll Reach Out

The beauty of this approach lies in its non-intrusiveness. Instead of pushing for sales or conversions aggressively, you're nurturing a relationship. By providing value and maintaining consistent visibility, you're allowing the prospect to warm up to your offerings at their own pace.

When they're convinced about the value you bring to the table and are ready to make a purchase or collaborate, they'll naturally gravitate towards your brand, be it through an email response, a click on your social post, or even a direct message on your social media channel.

Step 3: Mastering Retargeting Ads for Maximum Impact

Step 3: Mastering Retargeting Ads for Maximum Impact

The Beauty of Retargeting Ads

Delving into the world of retargeting, Step 3 introduces a powerful avenue - retargeting ads. When someone visits your website and searches for a specific product or service, it provides a golden opportunity to remind them of their interest through targeted advertisements.

Tapping into Google's Pmax

Currently, one of the frontrunners in the domain of retargeting ads is Google's Pmax. Its omnipresence is its biggest strength. Ever had the feeling that an ad is "listening" to you? Well, with Google Pmax, it's close to reality.

If you've recently talked about or typed in a search for shoes, makeup, or even a camera, Pmax ensures that relevant ads appear on various platforms you interact with, be it websites, Google search, Gmail, or even YouTube. This relentless visibility makes your brand omnipresent in the eyes of the potential customer.

Online Celebrity Status on a Budget

The aim is to achieve what can be termed as "online celebrity status". The key here is omnipresence. Your brand should be everywhere, reminding potential customers of their interests and nudging them towards a purchase.

What's even better? Achieving this doesn't necessarily mean breaking the bank. With platforms like Google Pmax, even a modest budget, say around $100 a month, can get you substantial visibility.

The Three-Pronged Strategy

To put this into perspective, imagine a funnel. At its widest end, you have your email marketing, reaching out and providing value consistently. A bit narrower, and you've got your social media platforms where regular posts keep your audience engaged.

At the narrowest end, precisely targeting those showing a clear interest, are the retargeting ads. This tiered approach ensures that anyone searching for a keyword related to your offering - like "new camera" in our example - is promptly shown your relevant ad.

Step 4: Diversifying Across Multiple Platforms for Omnipresence

Step 4: Diversifying Across Multiple Platforms for Omnipresence

Diving Deeper into Retargeting

Retargeting doesn't stop with Google. In fact, Step 4 takes things a notch higher, diversifying retargeting efforts across multiple platforms. For those who're truly enthusiastic and aim for omnipresence, expanding the scope to include platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube becomes imperative.

Why Diversify?

When your target audience notices your presence everywhere they go online, the impact is profound. Imagine browsing a Facebook feed and spotting a brand ad, then hopping onto Instagram and seeing the same brand pop up, only to later watch a YouTube video and once again come across the brand. This isn't mere coincidence – it's a meticulously planned retargeting strategy in action.

Favoring Twitter

While all platforms have their significance, Twitter currently emerges as a personal favorite. Given the nature of Twitter – its real-time updates and the volume of user interactions – it makes for a compelling platform for retargeting.

Scaling with the Right Budget

Such widespread retargeting efforts, while incredibly effective, can indeed demand a larger budget. Yet, the results often justify the spend. For businesses looking to scale exponentially, investing a couple of thousand a month in diversifying their retargeting ads can be game-changing.

Consistency and Value – The Pillars of Success

Regardless of the platform or the budget, two aspects remain consistent: the importance of value and reminders. The formula is straightforward: drive traffic to your platforms, follow up with valuable content, and then persistently remind them of your presence.

Utilizing tools like Google Pmax ensures your ads are consistently visible across Google networks. Then, amplifying this with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and other ads ensures an almost overwhelming omnipresence.

Efficiency with Virtual Assistants

A cherry on top? The entire process can be streamlined and made more efficient with the help of virtual assistants. With professional assistance, you can ensure your brand is always on the forefront, constantly reminding potential customers of your value proposition.

Wrapping Up: The Power of Persistent Retargeting

The Power of Persistent Retargeting

An Anecdote Worth Noting

The power of persistence is evident in real-life experiences. Consider a potential client who's been a silent observer for three years. They've consistently received your emails, seen your ads pop up while browsing, and followed your updates on social media.

This period might seem long, but it showcases the impact of your retargeting efforts. When they were finally ready to make a move, guess where they turned? Right back to the brand they've been observing for years.

Outsmarting the Competition

The goal is not just to sell but to outshine competitors. This isn't about a quick sale but creating a lasting impression. By ensuring you're visible everywhere your potential customers are and by consistently offering value, you position your brand as their first choice. This omnipresence is what sets you apart from competitors.

The Power of Persistence

In a world of instant gratification, persistence becomes a distinguishing trait. The idea is simple but powerful: show up everywhere and keep at it. Whether they're ready to buy today, tomorrow, or three years from now, make sure your brand is top of mind when that moment comes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is retargeting in marketing?

Retargeting in marketing refers to the practice of displaying targeted advertisements to individuals who have previously interacted with a brand or visited its website. It is a strategic approach that aims to re-engage potential customers and increase the likelihood of conversion.

By tracking user behavior through cookies or pixels, marketers can identify specific actions taken by users, such as visiting a product page or adding items to a shopping cart. This data is then used to deliver personalized ads to these individuals across various online platforms, reminding them of the brand and encouraging them to take further action.

Retargeting is an effective marketing technique because it allows businesses to stay top-of-mind with potential customers who have already shown an interest in their products or services. By delivering relevant and timely ads, retargeting helps to reinforce brand awareness, build trust, and drive conversions.

For example, if a user visits an e-commerce website and adds a product to their cart but doesn't complete the purchase, retargeting can be used to display ads featuring the same product or similar alternatives, enticing the user to return and complete the transaction.

2. What is Google Pmax?

Google Pmax is a bidding strategy available in Google Ads that allows advertisers to set a maximum price they are willing to pay for a conversion. This strategy helps advertisers optimize their campaigns by automatically adjusting bids to maximize the number of conversions within the specified budget.

For example, if an advertiser sets a Pmax of $5 for a conversion, Google Ads will adjust the bids in real-time to ensure that the advertiser pays no more than $5 for each conversion. This helps advertisers achieve their desired return on investment (ROI) and improve the efficiency of their ad spend.

Google Pmax also takes into account factors such as ad quality, landing page experience, and expected conversion rate when determining the bid adjustments. This means that even if an advertiser sets a high Pmax, Google Ads will only bid as much as necessary to win the auction and achieve the desired conversion.

This helps advertisers maintain a competitive position in the ad auction while still controlling their costs. By using Google Pmax, advertisers can effectively manage their bidding strategy and improve the overall performance of their online advertising campaigns.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a specific web page that is created with the purpose of capturing the attention and interest of visitors and encouraging them to take a specific action. It is usually designed to be highly focused and targeted, with a clear call-to-action (CTA) that prompts users to sign up, make a purchase, or provide their contact information.

The content and design of a landing page are carefully crafted to align with the marketing campaign or promotion it is associated with, in order to maximize conversions and achieve specific goals.

Landing pages are an essential component of online marketing and play a crucial role in lead generation and conversion optimization. By directing traffic from various sources, such as social media ads, search engine results, or email marketing campaigns, to a dedicated landing page, businesses can increase the chances of converting visitors into customers or subscribers.

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